Upphovsland: USA
3.1 av 5 Kritikers samlade betyg • 17 recensioner
Starka skådespelarinsatser med Sandra Bullock i spetsen, och en fängslande titt på vad som pågår under ytan i politikens smutsiga värld, hämmas lite av ett spretigt manus.
At once eye-opening and depressing, Rachel Boynton's documentary reveals how even the politics of a nation's life and death can now be reduced to a technocratic shell game.
Sparks fly, but the grim cynicism of modern politics adds subversive weight to the film’s screwball comedy stylings...
Sandra Bullock [...] delivers a performance that expertly plays on her strengths. Her comic timing, wasted in lesser, plane-ready comedies, is on top form...
...the cast, led by Sandra Bullock, is energetic, sharp and gets a fair number of juicy bits to rock out with.
Klipp från Our Brand Is Crisis
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