Upphovsland: USA
3.5 av 5 Kritikers samlade betyg • 5 recensioner
...a commercial offering with classy performances, snappy, intelligent writing, and good old-fashioned romance turned up to 11.
...Douglas and Bening have remarkable chemistry; their scenes are written and played in a way that develops the comedy without sacrificing the notion that two such people might very likely find themselves in similar situations.
The cast is solid, with Michael Douglas doing a credible job as the Commander-in-Chief, Annette Bening being alternately winsome and tough, and Martin Sheen offering hard advice as the Chief of Staff.
...predicated on the dubious notion that Douglas and Annette Bening -- whom we're meant to swallow as a brilliant, ruthless lobbyist -- are the sort of sparkling, magnetic couple whose foibles are ipso facto engaging.
...he's the Clinton a lot of Americans hoped (or feared) they were getting back in 1992.
Klipp från Presidenten och miss Wade
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